11th Main, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru 560011
The Department of English and Media Studies has been in existence since the inception of the college and has been constantly working to hone the literary sensibilities and upskill the language capabilities of students. The department offers Generic English Programmes for BSc, BCOM, BBA, BCA students, Communicative English and Optional English programs for BA students.
The department conducts a variety of activities like debates, pick and speak, poetry writing, essay writing, short story writing, caption writing, short film etc. to bring out the creative talents of students. The department also organises lectures, seminars and workshops every semester to give students a chance to interact and deliberate with renowned scholars and academicians.
The department also comes up with a journal to allow students to express themselves. The department also sends students for on-the-job training and internships to Media houses, NGOs, Advertising Agencies, Corporate Companies, Event Management companies etc to prepare students for their professional journey.
The department also takes students to literary festivals, film festivals and intercollegiate fests organised by other colleges.
Career Opportunities
Language Trainer, Content Writer, Technical Writer, Proof-reader/Copy Editor, Customer Support Specialist, Public Relations Assistant, Social Media Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, Journalist, Communications Specialist, Academician etc.
The department aims to fine-tune the literary and linguistic capabilities of students.
The Department of English and Media Studies envisages developing an appreciation for literature and language, promoting personal reflection, intellectual curiosity, creativity, sensitivity and critical thinking.